
Disclaimer & Indemnity

(This declaration is written in both English and Chinese. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the Chinese version and English version of this declaration, the English version shall prevail)


I, the undersigned, am applying to enter the “UNICEF Charity Run” and its incidental activities (the “Event”). I confirm and agree that I shall comply with all relevant rules and regulations and other arrangements made by the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (“UNICEF HK”) and shall take part in the Event entirely at my own risks.  l agree not to hold UNICEF HK, any sponsor and/or supporting organization responsible for any accident of whatever kind, resulting in death or injury, and/or any damage, loss or destruction of personal properties during the course of the Event (other than personal injury or death resulting from the negligence of the UNICEF HK, any sponsor and/or supporting organization).  I confirm that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained, and have not been otherwise advised by a qualified medical practitioner, to participate in the Event. I also agree to indemnify or reimburse UNICEF HK in respect of any additional costs or expenses incurred by UNICEF HK arising from or in connection with my participation in the Event.  I also irrevocably grant UNICEF HK, sponsors and supporting organizations the right to photograph me during the Event and have my name, voice, likeness and appearance made into photographs, sound, video or multi-media recordings relating to the Event (“Recording”) and to use the Recording in perpetuity throughout the world, in all media now known or hereafter devised for any purpose, whether in advertising or for purposes of trade or otherwise.  I acknowledge and agree that no payment or other compensation shall be payable to me by UNICEF HK, any sponsor and/or supporting organization in connection with the Recording or any use thereof.

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